Monthly Archives: December 2018

2018 AAANZ Conference – keynotes available to watch online

The 2018 AAANZ Conference committee are delighted to make publicly available three of the keynote lectures that were presented at this year’s conference. Follow the links to view online: The State of Art History, with Denmark in Mind – Griselda Pollock Vunilagi Vou – A New Horizon: Curating as Social Inclusion in Moana Oceania – Ema Tavola Festivity and the Contemporary: Worldly Affinities in Southeast Asian Art – David Teh

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AAANZ Conference, Prizes, Journal: Thank You

Last Friday saw the conclusion of a successful and rewarding Art Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference at the RMIT University School of Art in Melbourne. The Association would like to thank the RMIT Conference Co-convenors Marnie Badham and Daniel Palmer; Grace McQuilten; and Amy Spiers, the Conference Producer, for producing such an excellent and stimulating event. Gratitude is also due to the entire Conference Committee, and the many Conference Volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the event. The sheer number of speakers and delegates (the highest for any conference in the Association’s history), the […]

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