Call for Sessions | 2025 Conference

The call for sessions for the 2025 AAANZ Conference ‘Unruly Objects’ is now open.

Proposal due date: Monday 28 April

Enquiries and questions to the conference committee

Submit a Proposal

Conference Theme | Unruly Objects

The 2025 conference looks at the uncontrollable, excessive, surplus and unruly qualities of objects that we attempt to study, curate, discipline and subject to discourse. Thinking beyond simply the agency of objects, we turn specifically to their rowdy, disruptive, and ungovernable aspects – whether they be leaking out of unwieldy collections, unexhibitable or unthinkable, fugitive or lost, or brimming with vitality, power or ancestral subjectivity.

Panel convenors and formats

We are currently inviting proposals for sessions from panel convenors. After sessions are decided, individuals can then apply for papers. We invite proposals from researchers interested in histories of art, design, architecture, visual culture & museums; artists and artist-researchers; and curators, arts workers, and GLAM sector professionals. Proposals should clearly outline how the panel will engage with the conference themes. We particularly welcome proposals from First Nations delegates and researchers, early-career researchers, and practice-led researchers.

All panels will be allocated 90 minutes and must allow at least 30 minutes for audience questions and discussion. A standard research panel comprises three speakers, each delivering a research paper of maximum 20 minutes, along with a short introduction by the convenor(s).

Alternative panel formats are also possible, which might include roundtable discussions, performances, short talks, workshops, etc. If you are proposing an alternative format, please describe this carefully in the online application form. We are also open to proposals for special/plenary sessions. We welcome unruly and experimental formats!

All proposals should be for presentations delivered in person at the Perth conference.

All conference participants (speakers and panel conveners) will need to be current financial AAANZ members.

What do you need to apply?

The online application form asks you to provide:

  • Panel Convenor(s) (2 maximum) contact details and affiliations.
  • A panel proposal (no more than 250 words) that describes the theme and topics your panel will address and a description of the panel format
  • Details of any confirmed participants (if applicable)
  • If you are proposing a non-standard panel, a description of the proposed format

What Happens Next?

The conference committee will aim to notify all panel proposers of the outcome of their submission in mid-May.

In early-June the committee will publish all successful panel proposals. Individuals will then be invited to submit paper proposals directly to panel convenors.

Panel convenors will be required to confirm their full panel participants by mid-July.

Submit a Proposal