Expression of Interest Advocacy Representative | AAANZ Executive Committee

AAANZ is looking for a passionate member to join our executive team as the Advocacy Representative to assist with promoting and supporting visual arts research and art history across Australia and New Zealand. The Advocacy Representative will work with the President, the Advocacy Committee and other working groups to address critical issues, Indigenisation, make submissions and provide support on current concerns for the sector as they arise.

The Association aims to address these matters in the public domain, ensuring the concerns of its members are heard. In pursuit of this goal AAANZ seeks to foster productive working relationships between members, provide a forum for information exchange, and engage in coordinated action.

If you are interested in the role of Advocacy Representative please email the Business Manager a brief submission on why you would be interested in this role (50 to 100 words) with a brief CV (no more than one page). 
Expression of Interest are open until Friday 19 August
Please note: this opportunity to join the Executive Committee is open to academics at any stage of their career and also independent researchers and visual arts practitioners (i.e. are not affiliated with a university). Members of the AAANZ Executive Team must be current financial members.
For more information about the role visit or contact the AAANZ President Wendy Garden.

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