AAANZ is pleased to offer an opportunity for recently graduated practice-led PhD students to enter the 2024 AAANZ PhD Prize. The $1,000 prize is supported by Taylor and Francis.

In 2023 the annual PhD Prize received feedback from the judges and will be split between research-based PhDs and practice-led PhDs, alternating each year, with the eligible application period being extended to the previous two years.

The 2024 AAANZ PhD Prize will be practice-led but the eligible period will remain 12 months for this year only (due to practice-led eligibility in the 2023 AAANZ PhD Prize).

In 2023 there were twelve entries, of which, four were shortlisted. Read the winner’s and shortlisted abstracts here.

The AAANZ PhD Prize is judged on the merits of the final submitted thesis or exegesis and documentation.

Please carefully read the submission and eligibility guidelines below.

Deadline: Friday 23 August, 2024

Please use this form

You will need to include:

  • Your name
  • Your completed PhD degree details
  • Confirm your PhD was practice-led
  • Thesis abstract (this should be the abstract included in your final thesis or exegesis. It should give a clear overview of the topic and convey the key themes)
  • Statement of significance of research and contribution to the field (Please refer to the Judging Criteria below. This statement should be distinct from your thesis abstract and be written to help the judges understand the unique contribution of your research and/or practice. This could include evidence of impact and engagement within your field and/or in the broader community.)
  • Examiner reports
  • CV (please consider foregrounding appointments, publications, talks and engagement directly related to your PhD)


The judging panel will shortlist three applicants.

Shortlisted applicants will be requested to submit digital versions of the full thesis or the exegesis and documentation of the final exhibition or practice element as relevant.

Abstracts will be featured on the AAANZ website and shared with our community of researchers.

The PhD Prize will be announced at the AAANZ conference along with the AWAPAs in December 2023.

Judging Criteria

  • Quality of research contribution to the field of art history and/or visual culture
  • Potential for publication and/or wider impact
  • Conceptual originality of the project
  • Presentation and communication of the research in the thesis or exegesis
  • Rigour of research and methodology


Applicants must have been awarded their PhD between July 2023 and the prize deadline.

Your PhD topic must focus primarily on art history (including contemporary art and visual cultures), art curatorship, or, practice-based research in the visual arts.

Your PhD must have been awarded by an Australian or New Zealand-based institution.

Your PhD must be practice-led.

You must be a AAANZ current member. You can join here.

For all enquiries please contact the AAANZ Business Manager

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