AAANZ Research in Focus Prize | Entries Open for 2021

Entries are currently open for the 2021 Research in Focus Prize for PhDs and ECRs

AAANZ is pleased to offer an opportunity for current and recently-completed PhD students to share their research and be considered for the $1,000 prize supported by Taylor and Francis.

The Research in Focus Prize first ran in 2020. The winner and shortlist can be viewed here: Research in Focus Winner and  Highly Commended 2020

The Prize will be announced along with the AWAPAs in December at the 2021 AAANZ Conference, hosted by the University Of Sydney.

About the Prize

This is an opportunity to reach fellow researchers in art history, curatorship and art practice. The Research in Focus Prize is also a platform to present your exciting research in a timely fashion and to raise your profile.

Due to the AAANZ Conference, IMPACT moving on-line this year, we are replacing the annual PhD Prize that usually runs during the conference with a ‘Research in Focus’ competition. This will take place virtually. The competition is open to all current PhD students, recently submitted PhDs and early career researchers within three years of the award of their PhD. The aim is to support and reward excellence in research communication about art history and practice-led research.

For full details, please see this page: Research in Focus Guidelines

The winner will receive $1,000 sponsored by Taylor and Francis.

Key dates

Entries open: Thursday, 23 September, 2021

Entries close:  Monday, 8 November, 2021

Announcement: During the 2021 AAANZ Conference, I M P A C T, Wednesday, 8 to Friday, 10 December, 2021, The University of Sydney


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