Link to Vol. 24.2 at Taylor and Francis
Pointing the Finger: Critical Settler Artists Disclosing Silences in Australia’s History
Amy Spiers & George Criddle
Ian Burn and the Aporias of Conceptual Art
Alexander Alberro
Book Review
Ian Burn: Collected Writings 1966–1993 edited by Ian Burn, edited by Ann Stephen, Power Publications, KW Institute for Contemporary Art and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 2024
Rex Butler
On Time
Sarah Rodigari
Drawn by War: The Peter Townsend Collection of Modern Chinese Woodblock Prints in the National Gallery of Australia
Claire Roberts
Assigning Hanuju: Visualising Rotuman Tattoo
Dorell Ben
Child Art and Modern Art: Frances Derham’s Children’s Art Exhibitions in the 1930s
Anthony White
Not the (W)hole Story: Morris Louis’s Unfurleds
Edward Hanfling
Significant Otherness: Faith and Place in the Art of Leo Kelly
Anna Parlane
Gaps Fit for Fabulation: Creative Speculation in the Fissures of the Archive
Drew Pettifer, Laura McLean & D. A. Calf
I’ve Forgotten What I Was Going to Say/This is Not a Brick
Sean Loughrey
Dyeing Vegetable-Tanned Leather in Northern Ghana: Dyes and Marbling Techniques
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