CALL FOR PAPERS │Perspective, no. 2026 – 1 : Learning/Teaching │ Deadline 10 February

Perspective  will explore, in its 2026 – 1 issue, co-edited by Thomas Golsenne (INHA), Déborah Laks (CNRS) et Guy Lambert (École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-Belleville) to the question Learning/Teaching.

Does one learn to become an artist? This question, which traverses the history of contemporary art, has never been resolved. It reflects – and confronts – aesthetic, philosophical, cultural and perhaps even religious concepts. From the standpoint of art history, however, the answer can only be positive, given that artistic production is largely a matter of artist-to-artist legacies and transmissions, whether on a daily basis in the studio and the closed circuit of the school or through the study of works and artists over a wide spectrum of time and space. This issue of Perspective is intended to examine recent research on the ways of learning to be an artist from antiquity to the present day, and especially over a wide variety of geographical areas and cultures. Such an approach necessarily draws on a vast multidisciplinary effort, involving contributions from the education sciences, visual arts, history and sociology, ethnology and digital humanities.

This issue Learning/Teaching seeks to be transhistorical and international in its scope and methodological approaches alike. To this end, we would like to explore the diverse modes of learning and their evolution in terms of four main themes:

  1. Theories and practices of transmission
  2. Participants in the learning/teaching process
  3. Material conditions, places and time frames of training
  4. Art history for artists

Taking care to ground reflections in a historiographic, methodological, or epistemological perspective, please send your proposals (an abstract of 2,000 to 3,000 characters/350 to 500 words, a working title, a short bibliography on the subject, and a biography limited to a few lines) to the editorial email address (revue-perspective@inha.frno later than February 10, 2025.

Perspective handles translations; projects will be considered by the committee regardless of language. Authors whose proposals are accepted will be informed of the decision by the editorial committee by the end of February 2025, while articles will be due on June 1st, 2025.

Submitted texts (between 25,000 and 45,000 characters/ 4,500 or 7,500 words, depending on the intended project) will be formally accepted following an anonymous peer review process.

The full text of the call for papers, along with details of the two possible formats for articles published in the journal can be found here.

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