Call for Papers | Association for Art History Conference | London April 2018

2018 Annual Conference
Courtauld Institute of Art & King’s College London
5 – 7 April 2018, London

The 2018 AAH Annual Conference for art history and visual culture will be co-hosted by the Courtauld Institute of Art and King’s College London. Academic sessions that papers will respond to the idea of ‘looking outwards’. This international 3 day event will look at art history in the broadest sense, and will incorporate a diverse range of speakers and perspectives.

Call for Papers
The 2018 Annual Conference for art history and visual culture will be co-hosted by the Courtauld Institute of Art and King’s College London. This international 3 day event will look at art history in the broadest sense, and will incorporate a diverse range of academic sessions, speakers and perspectives.

The close collaboration between the two institutions – involving numerous other museums and cultural partners in London – will set the tone for a conference oriented around ‘looking outwards’.

On one hand, we will be encouraging art historians and researchers to think about their disciplinary relationships with other affiliated subjects in the arts and humanities (as indeed beyond). On the other, we will be inviting new perspectives on international collaborations within the field (particularly important in the wake of recent political events…).

We aim to incorporate an ambitious range of perspectives – from university academics and doctoral researchers, to educators, curators, heritage partners, and not least artists themselves. We hope to deliver an event with the widest possible remit and reach.

Academic Sessions
The 2018 Annual Conference will host 40 academic sessions, over 3 days (approx. 13/14 sessions each day). Each one-day session will generally consist of between 4 – 8 papers (minimum 4, maximum 8); papers are usually 25-minutes, presented in 35-minute slots to allow for questions and movement between sessions. We will also accommodate alternative session formats – such as world-cafe, round-table or open discussions.

Sessions will respond to the idea of ‘looking outwards’ by engaging with art history and visual culture in the broadest sense. You can view and download the 2018 academic sessions and abstracts(pdf).

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