Category Archives: News

Event: Fair Use and Promoting Balanced Copyright Laws in Creative Practices and Visual Arts

For the last decade, Peter Jaszi has been focusing how the fair use doctrine affects creative communities, and in assisting some of those communities to exercise fair use confidently and responsibly. Recently, Peter has been working with the College Art Association (CAA) to develop a Code of Best Practices for Fair Use in the Visual Arts, which is helping artists, teachers, scholars, museum professionals and others to take advantage of their rights. In a few weeks Peter will be visiting Australia, along with several other international copyright experts, for a series of events hosted by various NGO’s. The topic of […]

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Agency and aesthetics: A symposium on the expanded field of photography – Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki – Saturday 1 April 2017

Agency and aesthetics: A symposium on the expanded field of photography With more photographs circulating than ever before, what do photographers want their images to do? How are artists retaining agency amongst the changing ontology of photography and its conventions and technologies? Does photography either in an art gallery or online still offer a democratic potential in its ability to alter or resist existing positions? As part of a consideration of the shifting politics and aesthetics of photography this event is an opportunity to consider the current nature of subjectivity in image worlds. If the selfie is the “the first […]

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University of WA seeks 2 x Senior Lecturer in the Visual Arts

The University of Western Australia (UWA), a member of the prestigious Group of Eight research-intensive universities, is ranked amongst the top Australian universities and among the top 100 universities in the world. From January 2017 the UWA Faculty of Architecture, Landscape & Visual Arts will become the UWA School of Design – UWA Design – in recognition of the central role creativity plays in the disciplines of the School. UWA Design offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, History of Art and Visual Arts. The School of Design is known for its distinguished faculty and alumni, […]

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Symposium: ‘Art and Revolution’ Dunedin School of Art 13-14 October 2017

ART AND REVOLUTION A SYMPOSIUM DUNEDIN SCHOOL OF ART 13-14 October 2017 Following eight successful symposia held at the Dunedin School of Art, from ‘Illustrating the Unseeable: Reconnecting Art and Science’ (2009) to ‘Art and Future: Energy, Climate, Cultures’ (2016), the Dunedin School of Art, together with the scholars at the University of Otago, is organising an ninth symposium entitled ‘Art and Revolution.’ 2017 is a significant centenary year. One hundred years ago the Russian Empire was brought to an end by two events, the February and October Revolutions of 1917 that heralded the formation of the Bolshevik-led Soviet Union. […]

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Employment Opportunities

The following positions may be of interest to subscribers. Please follow the links for the position descriptions. 1. Manager, Warmun Art Centre, East Kimberley, Western Australia – deadline 16 January 2017 2. Gallery Coordinator, Warmun Art Centre, East Kimberley, Western Australia – deadline 16 January 2017 3. Art Centre Manager, Tjala Arts, Amata, APY lands, Central Australia – deadline 1 February 2017

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A library without librarians is just a shed full of books – Joanna Mendelssohn, Catherine De Lorenzo, and Catherine Speck

A library without librarians is a just a shed full of books Joanna Mendelssohn, UNSW Australia; Catherine De Lorenzo, UNSW Australia, and Catherine Speck, University of Adelaide For some years we have been researching the how, why and wherefore of exhibitions of Australian art. We have tracked down retired curators and art museum directors, recording their memories before they fade. We have crossed the country to see exhibitions. But most of the time we have been buried in archives and libraries. While large public libraries are excellent for general research, those small specialist libraries attached to state and national art […]

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AAANZ 2016 Book Prizes and PhD Prize

Congratulations to the following winners of the AAANZ Book Prizes and the PhD Prize for 2016, as announced at the AAANZ conference in Canberra. The full citations for the prize winners will be published on the prizes page soon.   Best Book | Mary Roberts, Istanbul Exchanges: Ottomans, Orientalists, and Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2015) Best Anthology | Not Awarded in 2016 Best Large Exhibition Catalogue | Treasure Ships: Art in the Age of Spices, eds. James Bennett and Russell Kelty (Adelaide: AGSA and Perth: AGWA, 2015) Best Small Exhibition Catalogue | Derek Kreckler: Accidents and Process, ed. Hannah Matthews (Melbourne: Perimeter […]

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Lecturer (Art History and Curating) – Monash University

Lecturer (Art History and Curating)   The Faculty of Art Design and Architecture is seeking a Lecturer with a distinguished scholarly record, for our Art History program. Our faculty prides itself on achieving high standards of education delivery, fostering the University’s world-renowned research culture and cultivating excellence through the successful mentoring of students. As the Lecturer (Art History and Curating), you will teach a number of existing undergraduate courses both to students undertaking visual art practice and to art history and curating students. You will have the opportunity to undertake the supervision of Honours students and the co-supervision of post-graduate students. […]

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AAANZ 2016 Conference Roundup

The AAANZ Annual Conference held in Canberra last week was a great success, with many delegates coming to the capital and a particularly large student attendance. The Conference Committee would like to thank all those who participated in making this year’s conference such a terrific occasion. A special thanks to all of our presenters, our keynote speakers Melissa Chiu and Anthea Callen, and artist Peter Tyndall whose artwork was a signature of the conference.  We look forward to seeing everyone next year in Perth.

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