Funding | AIAH EARLY CAREER RESEARCH AWARD | Deadline: Monday 30 September 2024

The Australian Institute of Art History (AIAH) at the University of Melbourne is collaborating with the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) on a new annual award. The aim is to foster new and innovative research and public engagement by early career professionals.

The AIAH Early Career Research Award (ECRA) is funded by the Australian Institute of Art History  and administered jointly with AAANZ.

The award will support public-facing, collaborative research projects that require a team (defined as at least two people) with varied forms of expertise. There are three requirements at the time of application for the project to be eligible:

  • all team members must be Early Career Researchers (ECRs)
  • at least one team member must be an AAANZ member in good standing
  • the team must deliver a public research output within one calendar year of the granting of the award.

The AIAH Early Career Research Award is now open for 2024. The value of the ECRA is $25,000. All team members will also receive complimentary annual membership in the AAANZ for the year after the award is granted.

Deadline: Monday 30 September 2024

Announcement will be made during the 2024 Conference: Past, present, possible futures, Wednesday 4 to Friday 6 December 2024, Australian National University, Canberra

Eligibility and Criteria

The award will support public-facing, collaborative research projects that require a team (defined as at least two people) with varied forms of expertise.

Each team member must contribute to the development of the research proposal, project management and delivery, and production of the public research output.

The project may involve Australian-based researchers collaborating with colleagues overseas or in disciplines beyond art history. Outputs might include (but are not limited to): a small-scale exhibition, a jointly-authored peer-reviewed journal article or book chapter, a public lecture series, colloquia, or workshops, and/or production of scholarly podcasts or other media content.

The ECRA may be used to assist research in a number of ways, including for instance: archival work, fieldwork; research or administrative assistance; acquisition of research materials, research dissemination activities.

To be eligible:

  • all team members must be Early Career Researchers (ECRs)
  • to qualify as an ECR you must have received the PhD or equivalent professional degree no more than six years ago (measured from the degree award date to the date of application, September 2018). Or, be a currently enrolled PhD student with confirmed candidacy and in good standing. These time limits do not include any period of career break (for example, for family care or health reasons).
  • at least one team member must be a current AAANZ member in good standing. You can register here
  • the team must deliver a public research output within one calendar year of the granting of the award

To Apply

Please use this form and you will need to include the following:

  • Name and contact details
  • Name your AAANZ membership is under
  • Project Title
  • Project summary (250 words)
  • Description of outlining project (500 words)
    • What are your main objectives?
    • How do you plan to reach them?
    • Who is on the team, and why?
    • What is the project’s significance and/or innovation?
  • Project timeline (300 to 500 words)
    • proposed schedule of activities
    • Justification of time required
  • Project Budget and justification of expenses (please use this template and upload it in the online form)
  • Short Curriculum vitae for each team member
    • The CV should list academic qualifications and publications; and any professional posts held and/or relevant experience
    • Current PhD students should submit proof of candidacy and a letter of support from their primary supervisor

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • The feasibility of the research to be undertaken
  • The rationale for the team and each member of it
  • The likelihood of the funded activities generating significant new information and ideas

For enquiries, please contact AAANZ; or Professor Anne Dunlop

Apply Now

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