Our first issue investigates the role of the medium today, when artists routinely work in and across different media. References to our current ‘post-medium condition’ have become ubiquitous and the old ideal of medium-specificity is firmly identified with high modernism. Do today’s post-medium practices demonstrate the redundancy of medium as a category for understanding art, or is medium still crucial to aesthetic judgement? Indeed, do post-medium practices mark a return to an earlier form of modernism? This issue of the “Journal” examines a wide range of critical positions and artistic practices which focus on the question of the medium in art. It features essays by Diarmuid Costello on Jeff Wall and Gerhard Richter, by Rosemary Hawker on Gerhard Richter, by Donna McColm on Morris Louis, and by Toni Ross on Andrea Zittel; an interview with French philosopher Jacques Ranciere; a pictorial by Berlin painter Katharina Grosse; and book and exhibition reviews. Jointly published with the Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane. $20.
Pictures, Again, Diarmuid Costello
Painting Over Photography: Questions of medium in Richter’s Overpaintings, Rosemary Hawker
Reapproaching the Medium: Morris Louis, opticality and disembodiment in American painting during the 1950s and 1960s, Donna McColm
The Poise of the Head und die anderen folgen, Katharina Grosse
On Medium Specificity and Discipline Crossovers in Modern Art, Jacques Ranciere interviewed by Andrew McNamara and Toni Ross
Linkages Between Aesthetic Autonomy and Discipline Hybridity in the Art of Andrea Zittel, Toni Ross
Reviews etc.
The Local Presence of Sol LeWitt 1928–2007, Ann Stephen
5th Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Terry Smith
Australian Impressionism, Caroline Jordan
Douglas Gordon and Philippe Parreno: Zidane, A 21st-century portrait, Mark Pennings
Munster Sculpture Project, David Cross
Alan Badiou: The century, Alex Ling
The New McCulloch’s Encyclopedia of Australian Art, Nancy Underhill