Propose a Special Issue for ANZJA

The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art (ANZJA) is published by the Art Association of Australia & New Zealand (AAANZ). AAANZ is Australia’s professional body for art and design historians, arts writers, artists, students of art history and theory, and museum professionals. The ANZJA is Australasia’s principal refereed art- history journal. The Journal is dedicated to the study of art history, art practice, theory and exhibition.

ANZJA’s readership principally consists of academics, art writers, artists, students of art history and theory, museum professionals and the art-interested public.

Special issue submissions to ANZJA are reviewed by the Editorial Committee, as directed by Editor in Chief, Dr Véronica Tello. If a special issue proposal is successful, all submitted essays will then be taken through the standard double-blind peer review process before being accepted for publication.

Proposals must be no longer than five pages in length, and should include the following:

  • A 500-word description of the special issue’s theme
  • A statement of the topic’s relevance to ANZJA and the disciplines addressed by the Journal
  • A statement confirming that the material is original, and from where it has originated or will be originated
  • A statement regarding the timing of the issue and its connection with upcoming events, where relevant
  • Extended bios for the issue editors
  • A list of potential essays and authors, including word lengths (the Journal accepts essays of between 5,000 and 7,000 words, including notes)
  • Short bios for authors

All writing must be original and not previously published nor currently being considered for publication elsewhere. The publication must be the sole work of the author(s) and not involve third parties with a claim to copyright.

Proposals must be sent as an email attachment to the Managing Editorial, Anastasia Murney:

Past Special Issues

American Art, Australian Focus, 1945-1975

American Art, Australian Focus, 1945-1975