Scholarship | Discovering and sharing the stories of the Stolen Generations through the Carrolup artworks | Curtin University

2025 RTP round – Discovering and sharing the stories of the Stolen Generations through the Carrolup artworks

Applications open: 1/07/2024
Applications close: 18/08/2024

About this scholarship

Project Overview

The Herbert Mayer Collection of Carrolup Artwork is a unique collection of artworks created by Aboriginal children of the Stolen Generations in the 1940s at the Carrolup Native Settlement in Western Australia. As custodian of the Carrolup artworks, the John Curtin Gallery presents exhibitions and programs that offer a rare glimpse into the lived experiences of Aboriginal children in Western Australia.


The social and educational context in which the Carrolup artworks were created, and their subsequent discovery 60 years later at Colgate University in New York state, has been recorded, however this project will focus on specific aspects of this journey to better develop the educational and research potential of this Collection.

The purpose of this project is to provide an evidence-based account of the development and consequent dispersal of the artworks. Many artworks are yet to be located, and the identity of many of the ‘once known’ children is still to be established. This project aims to uncover new artworks and to trace the histories of children after the Settlement closed.


The objectives are to expand the educational and research capacity of the Carrolup story by investigating the history and context of the Carrolup Native Settlement; by documenting the origin and subsequent journey of the artworks; by identifying new artworks; and to connect families through oral histories and archival research.


The significance of this research is to enable truth-telling by furthering our knowledge and understanding of the Carrolup Collection. This is part of Curtin University’s
ongoing commitment to sharing the lived experience of Aboriginal people and to embed the voices and perspectives of First Nations peoples at the forefront of our decision making.

An internship may be available for this project. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to undertake an industry internship within the GLAM sector.

Student type

  • Future Students

  • Faculty of Humanities

  • Higher Degree by Research

  • Australian Citizen
  • Australian Permanent Resident
  • New Zealand Citizen
  • Permanent Humanitarian Visa

  • Merit Based
The annual scholarship package, covering both stipend and tuition fees, amounts to approximately $70,000 per year.

In 2024, the RTP stipend scholarship offers $35,000 per annum for a duration of up to three years. Exceptional progress and adherence to timelines may qualify students for a six-month completion scholarship.

The John Curtin Gallery will host the project providing the applicant with access to the original Carrolup artworks and connections to families and descendants of Carrolup child artists. The broader Carrolup project is supported by funding from Lotterywest, BHP as well as private donors. The John Curtin Gallery is committed to presenting exhibitions by First Nations artists and works in close partnership with the Faculties to embed the voices of First Nations Peoples into our teaching, research and community engagement.

Selection for these scholarships involves a competitive process, with shortlisted applicants notified of outcomes by November 2024.

Scholarship Details


All applicable HDR courses

We are looking for a self-motivated candidate with experience in the areas of history, art history, cultural studies, or curatorial studies who demonstrates a culturally sensitive approach to Aboriginal culture and Stolen Generation histories. They will need to have excellent communication and organisational skills and be able to undertake the study based at the Curtin Bentley campus. The applicant must be eligible to enrol in a PhD program at Curtin.

Application process

Please send your CV, academic transcripts and brief rationale why you want to join this research project via the HDR Expression of Interest form to the project lead researcher, listed below.

Enrolment Requirements

You must be enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research Course at Curtin University by March 2025.


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