Layla and Majnun Faint on Meeting, from
Khamsa of Nizami. RARESF 091 N65K, fol. 170v.
Image courtesy of State Library of Victoria.
Speakers include Samer Akkach, James Bennett, Sam Bowker, Stefano Carboni, Wulan Dirgantoro, Peyvand Firouzeh, Nusra Latif Qureshi, Susan Scollay, Nur Shkembi, Manu P. Sobti, Sadra Zekrgoo
This public event brings together curators, art historians and artists from all over Australia to look at the state of the field both here and our larger region. It is a day for exchange and debate, with series of papers, some case-studies, some explorations of specific issues or problems, to culminate in a final round-table discussion. Among the questions we hope to address: how can historical art production be understood in contemporary context? How does tradition inform – or not inform – current artists’ work? What are the most interesting areas of current production and research and what are the current challenges or barriers in the field, including in public perception among museum or gallery audiences? And, most basically, does it make sense to speak of ‘Islamic art’ or ‘Southeast Asian art’ at all?
Speakers are from the following organisations and institutions: Samer Akkach, Centre for Asian and Middle Easter Architecture (CAMEA), The University of Adelaide James Bennett, Art Gallery of South Australia Sam Bowker, Charles Sturt University Stefano Carboni, Art Gallery of Western Australia Wulan Dirgantoro, School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne Peyvand Firouzeh, The University of Sydney Nusra Latif Qureshi, Artist, Melbourne Susan Scollay, Independent scholar, Melbourne Nur Shkembi, The University of Melbourne Manu P. Sobti, The University of Queensland Sadra Zekrgoo, The University of Melbourne.
Event Details
Date: Wednesday 14 August 2019, 9.00am- 4.00pm
Venue: Woodward Conference Centre Level 10, Melbourne Law School 185 Pelham St Carlton VIC 3053
Enquiries: Professor Anne Dunlop anne.dunlop@unimelb.edu.au Bookings: Bookings are essential for this free symposium. Register at http://alumni.online.unimelb.edu.au/seasianart
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