2018 AAANZ Conference Early Bird Registration extended to October 10

Early bird registration for the 2018 AAANZ Conference has been extended to October 10. To register before the early bird rate closes go to: https://aaanz.info/register-for-the-2018-aaanz-conference/

To help delegates plan their visit to the conference a detailed program, with all panel session and keynote scheduled times, will be available from next week. To stay informed about the conference, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or subscribe to the AAANZ newsletter.




Finally a reminder, postgraduate and early career researchers who wish to participate in Professor Griselda Pollock’s masterclass must apply by 1 October. Full details about the masterclass and how to apply can be found here: https://aaanz.info/aaanz-conference-a-masterclass-with-professor-griselda-pollock-at-rmit/


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