Australian National RIdIM Centre

Image: Anonymous, Saucer-dish with music making ladies and scenes from “The Journey to the West”, c. 1680 – c. 1700, China; h: 5.8, d: 35 cm; d: 20 cm; porcelain, glaze, cobalt, gold. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum (inv.-no.: AK-RBK-15903)

Dear Colleagues,

It’s with great pleasure that we announce the formation of a National RIdIM centre in Australia and invite contact from all those who are interested.

Established in 2017, the Australian Music and Art Research Group is based at the School of Creative Arts, University of Tasmania. It fosters scholarly and practical research into the intersections between music and visual culture, including – but not limited to – the study of music iconography and the development of new creative work.

Association RIdIM officially recognized the group as the Australian National RIdIM Centre in December 2017.

Last week, the Australian Music and Art Research Group hosted its inaugural public lecture in collaboration with the Tasmanian Chapter of the MSA, The Green Brain: Collaboration and Inter-Arts Dialogue in New Creative Work, in which Michael Kieran Harvey (composer and keyboards), Brigita Ozolins (installation designer) and Arjun von Caemmerer (writer and narrator) discussed their recent work, a highlight of this year’s MONA FOMA.

We now invite contact from institutions, scholars, musicians and artists across Australia, whose interests include the interpretation and cataloguing of visual sources referring to music, dance, theatre and opera. Please contact Dr Arabella Teniswood-Harvey ( to express your interest in:

  1. Being affiliated with the group
  2. Being notified of news and future events
  3. Becoming a RIdIM cataloguer
  4. Proposing collaborations and projects

For further information about Association RIdIM please go to

With best wishes,

Arabella Teniswood-Harvey

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