Call for Papers | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, Open Issue: 23.1

The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art (ANZJA) is calling for submissions to be a part of Issue 1, 2023.

Submissions Due: 10 June 2022

Editor: Verónica Tello

The editor seeks research papers that engage with critical debates and scholarly frameworks across art-historical and theoretical enquiry within local and global contexts. Articles must be between 5,000 and 7,000 words (including endnotes) and will be peer-reviewed. ANZJA is committed to expanding the vocabularies and epistemologies of art history and associated fields in alignment with progressive social movements. We especially encourage submissions from First Nations, culturally and linguistically diverse scholars and LGQBTQI+ scholars. See the ANZJA submission guidelines for further details. Submissions not conforming to the guidelines will not be considered.

Papers, biographical information and images, should be submitted to the ANZJA Editorial Assistant via ScholarOne.

Journal Aims and Scope

ANZJA is published by the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ). Issue 23.1 will be the first issue published by UNSW Art & Design, which will house the journal from 2023. The production of the issue is supported by the Centre of Visual Art, University of Melbourne, which houses the issue until 2022. AAANZ is Australia and New Zealand’s professional body for art and design historians, arts writers, artists, students of art history and theory, and museum professionals. ANZJA is Australasia and Pacifica’s principal refereed art-history journal. The Journal is dedicated to the study of art history, art practice, theory and exhibitions.

For all queries regarding the submission process please contact ANZJA’s editorial coordinator Jeremy Eaton at

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