Call for Papers | INDEX Journal Issue No. 3 ‘Monument’


If colonial monuments can be understood as ruins, in the sense that they symbolise the destructive force of conquest, what can be salvaged from the framework of monumentalism?

INDEX JOURNAL invites papers that contemplate the relation between public monuments and ruin. Papers addressing monuments in the context of materiality, environment, image, emotion, revenge, authority, colonial expansion, white supremacy, and state propaganda are all encouraged and considered.

Issue No. 3 MONUMENT is guest edited by Tristen Harwood, a Darwin-based Indigenous writer and critic.

Papers should be no more than 7,500 words and in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style (Notes and Bibliography). Submit to

Submissions due 30 November 2020.

Visit the website for further information:

INDEX JOURNAL is an independent peer-reviewed art history publication based in Melbourne, Australia. The journal presents original scholarship by art historians and theorists from all specialisations, treating the art of the past with the same urgency as it does the art of the present. For each issue, INDEX JOURNAL invites a guest editor to raise a polemic—in the form of a single proposition— that calls for pressing art historical attention.

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