Category Archives: General

Survey: Shaping the Future of Pacific Representation at the National Portrait Gallery

An invitation to participate in a survey about Pacific Representation at the National Portrait Gallery. Survey blurb: We are seeking community insights to help guide a partnership between the National Portrait Gallery, the Australian Association for Pacific Studies, and the Oceania Working Party of the Australian Dictionary of Biography. Your responses will inform how we can meaningfully celebrate Pacific peoples and cultures. When answering the following questions, please don’t be constrained by traditional notions of portraiture or art galleries. We would like to develop partnerships that extend beyond the walls of the National Portrait Gallery, and beyond the boundaries of […]

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We need your help to celebrate 50 Years of AAANZ!

AAANZ is proudly celebrating 50 years as the leading organisation that represents, art historians, practice-led researchers, arts writers and curators. Since 1974 it has fostered the dissemination of knowledge and debate about art, curatorship, and artistic practice throughout the region. As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations –  to be marked at the annual conference in December – we are calling on our community to contribute to a digital publication.  This 50th anniversary digital edition will: showcase the breadth of arts-focused research and writing across the region it will reflect on how our disciplines have changed since the 1970s invite […]

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Art historians and art researchers practicing in the Asia Pacific Region region are producing significant and innovative research which is of great interest to scholars and to relevant industry sectors including museums and galleries. The Directory of Art Historians and Art Researchers in the Asia Pacific Region enables research, expertise, and contact details for these historians and researchers to be found quickly and easily. The Directory is a searchable database of experts – academics, researchers, teachers, writers, editors, curators, and museum professionals – specialising in art, architecture, and visual culture from all periods and geographic regions. Browse the directory. Update or add your profile

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Survey │ How people employed in the GLAM sector are using digital tools and software in their work

A current research project in the Centre for Digital Humanities Research by Senior Lecturer Dr Katrina Grant and recent graduate from the Masters Advanced of Digital Humanities and Public Culture is looking for participants in a short survey (30 questions) on how people employed in the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) sector are using digital tools and software in their work. It builds on a survey conducted in 2019 looking at collaboration between curatorial and IT workers in GLAM carried out by Sean Minney for his Masters Thesis. The survey is unpublished but you can read a summary of […]

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News │Newly established SHAPE Futures EMCR Network

The new SHAPE Futures network is for researchers that are at the early to mid-levels of their careers. SHAPE – Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts for People and Environment – is a new framing of the disciplines developed by the British Academy as a more outcomes-focused alternative to HASS (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences). The SHAPE Futures Network has been established with the support of the Australian Academy of the Humanities (AAH) and the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) to advocate for early and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) in the humanities and social sciences within and beyond the academy. […]

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ARI REMIX | Issue # 5 Winter 2022

ARI Remix collective share a few current, recent and past highlights with you this winter from collaborative memory work about Queensland/Australian artist-run culture and heritage happening in 2021 and 2022. Access > Issue #5 | Winter Edition 2022 > here 

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Visual Arts Work Survey: Help to make Practical Change in the Visual Arts Sector!

Are you a visual artist, craft artist, or arts worker in Australia – or an Australian citizen working in the sector overseas? As part of an important national research project, Visual Arts Work, are undertaking a survey with visual artists, craft artists, and arts workers. They’re keen to hear from as many people as possible from all disciplines, areas of practice, and career stage. Your responses will inform practical interventions regarding sustainable strategies for industry and policy. Fill out the survey at the following link

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Invitation to join the Editorial Board | Design and Art of Australia Online

Design and Art of Australia Online Editorial Board  Since its first launch in the early years of this century, Design and Art of Australia Online (DAAO) has been an essential research tool for Australian art history as well as for those researching the humanities in Australia. Its initial strength came from its incorporation of works by Joan Kerr (Dictionary of Australian Art,  Heritage: The National Women’s Art Book, Black & White Artists) and Vivien Johnson (Western Desert Artists: A Biographical Dictionary and Storylines). Other researchers have added further artists and curators, but there are significant gaps, especially with recent artists. The DAAO has […]

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PhD Scholarship | Visual Medical Humanities | Centre for Art History and Art Theory | ANU

The Australian National University is offering a PhD Scholarship in Visual Medical Humanities This opportunity is for a candidate interested in Art History, Visual and Material Culture, Medical History, Medical Humanities, Disability Studies or, preferably, a combination of the above. The successful candidate will work with Dr Keren Hammerschlag, with funding from the ANU Futures Scheme, on a topic. Apply now $28,092 p/a, 3 years Applications close 31 August

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Research Scholarship | Ten Days on the Island

Research Scholarship | PhD Projects | Masters by research project Social Impact of Ten Days on the Island Festival in Regional Tasmanian Communities or Practice-based Place-Based Events or Practice The School of Creative Arts and Media, University of Tasmania and Ten Days on the Island are offering fixed-term scholarships for up to 3.5 years for placed based higher degree research (HDR) projects. The PhD or Masters by research projects will be co-designed with Ten Days on The Island’s CEO and Artistic Director to align with the 2021 Festival. Ten Days on the Island is Tasmania’s state-wide arts festival with headquarters […]

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