Category Archives: News

Winner announced for Research in Focus 2021

The Research in Focus Online Prize is being run in place of the annual PhD prize due to the online format of the 2021 conference.  The Research in Focus Online Prize is based upon a video presentation of research and is open to all current PhD and recent graduates. Early career researchers were invited to prepare a short video that focuses on their research. They could talk to their entire PhD project, or choose a sub topic. Entrants were judged on the effectiveness of their communication. $1,000 will be awarded sponsored by Taylor and Francis Judges Dr Katrina Grant, Dr Raymond Spiteri and […]

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New Emerging Scholars Program: The Necessity of Australian Art History Now

As part of the 2021 AAANZ Conference, IMPACT, we are pleased to announce a new and exciting research intensive for postgraduate and early career scholars working in the field of Australian art history.  Participants will have the opportunity to receive focused feedback on their own work from an invited audience comprised of their fellow workshop participants, alongside a panel of esteemed leaders in the field of Australian art history: Ann Stephen (co-author of The Necessity of Australian Art), Ian McLean and Greg Lehman. Applications close on 7 November. For more information and to apply:

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Grounded in Place: Dialogues Between First Nations Artists from Australia, Taiwan and Aotearoa

Register here 7-9 October 2021 This online symposium is a conversation between 15 First Nations artists, curators, and filmmakers, along with non-Indigenous scholars and museum professionals from Australia, Taiwan, Aotearoa, and the Philippines. It offers a space where First Nations creative practitioners who have not met, can gather, share ideas and insights, and develop connections. We hope these conversations will inspire new ideas and generate opportunities for future dialogue and exchange. This sharing of knowledge will also help build networks and foster cultural understanding and cooperation between our countries. The theme explores our relationship to the “land” from the standpoint […]

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AAANZ October Newsletter

The AAANZ October Newsletter is available to read here The Newsletter opens with the Presidents Report and contains updates regarding the Association. This includes the conference, awards and prizes, journal and the Indigenising Working Group. Updates from the regions include publication news, appointments, seminars and courses from the Australian Capital Territory, Aotearoa New Zealand, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.

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PhD Project at UTAS | Posthumanism at the edge of the world

Posthumanism at the edge of the world Closing date: 29 October 2021 Location: Hobart Citizenship requirement: Domestic/International Onshore About the research project How might we image and imagine the posthuman on an island that sits on the 42nd southern parallel? Posthumanism at the edge of the world is a visual arts research area that seeks to expand knowledge of the posthuman through critical engagements with interdisciplinary creative speculations, experimental practice-led enquiries, and new discursivities of the more-than-human/human-to-come. This project explores practice-led and practice-based capacities to map and imagine new geographies, developing new possibilities that build on existing relations (e.g. with Antarctica and its […]

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CALL FOR WORKS | 1st International Contemporary Material Art Biennale

Executive curators with the support of the Contemporary Art Institute, Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University,  are honored to present to you the 1st International Contemporary Material Art Biennale. They are proposing constructing the theoretical basis of the exhibition with the philosophical vision of materials, new materials, and new materialism. In the context of contemporary art, the emphasis on the text and dematerialization, along with the supremacy of concepts, not only exploit and mechanize materials and the materialization process but also gradually formed a kind of artistic discourse in the context of contemporary art. Reconstruction and perception of contemporary […]

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Request for Visual Artists to answer a questionaire for thesis research

A student studying International Marketing Management at the HWR University in Berlin, Alba Martinez Matovina, has requested visual artists to assist with his questionnaire. Alba is currently writing a thesis and is trying to understand how visual artists and brand collaborations can be more satisfactory to the artist. The questionnaire is built on Microsoft forms and takes 5 to 6 minutes to complete and can be found through this link:

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Call For Proposals: edited collection on museums and intersectionality

It has been more than three decades since Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term ‘intersectionality’ as a conceptual tool with which to conceive subjectivity/identity as other than singular, and analyse the contextually-specific ways in which axes of power connect and cohere. The notion of intersectionality was also an attempt to move beyond the limitations of the ‘additive model’ which categorised individuals in terms of levels of oppression: for example, a working-class Blak lesbian with a disability would be understood as quadruply oppressed. While this model of identity had significant political import, it did not, and could not, grapple with the complex, […]

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ANU Humanities Research Centre | Visiting Fellowships Program

Applications for the 2022 Humanities Research Centre Visiting Fellowship Program – on the theme of ‘Mobilities’ – are now open. The Humanities Research Centre (HRC) was established in 1972 as a national and international centre for excellence in the humanities and as a catalyst for innovative humanities scholarship and research within the Australian National University. The HRC interprets the ‘humanities’ generously, recognising that new methods of theoretical enquiry have done much to break down the traditional distinction between the humanities, the creative arts, and the social sciences. It also recognises the importance of establishing a dialogue between the humanities and the […]

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News | Tina Barton Receives New Zealand Order of Merit

In a period of declining government support for the visual arts, it is always welcome when a colleague receives official recognition for their contribution to art history. This year Associate Professor Tina Barton was named a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her services to art history and curation. Tina is currently the director of the Adam Art Gallery at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington and continues to supervise in the Art History honours and postgraduate programmes. Tina commenced her career at the Auckland Art Gallery (1988‒92) and Museum of New Zealand Te Papa […]

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