Invitations Open | AICA Australia

Invitations are now open to join AICA Australia (International Association of Art Critics), a Paris based organisation with chapters worldwide. Sponsored by UNESCO with headquarters in Paris, AICA brings together over 4,600 art professionals from some 95 countries all over the world, organised into 62 National Sections and an Open Section.
AICA is a prestigious membership and provides free entry to museums around the world. It is also an opportunity to join both a local and international community of fellow art critics and professionals.
AICA Australia is currently working towards establishing new avenues to strengthen connections among its community and explore the potential of art criticism with upcoming programs. There is currently a waiver for the joining fee for First Nations’ art critics in the next round in support and advocacy for First Nations’ colleagues.Membership is $100 per year and $80 per year thereafter for renewal.

Become a member

The application needs to be ratified by Paris in October so please return by Monday 14th September. 

The criteria is working in one of the following areas:

  • Daily/periodical press, or broadcasting on radio, TV or video, or in the electronic media
  • Publication of works of art history, aesthetics or criticism
  • Teaching of art criticism, art history, aesthetics, curating, or art, at higher or tertiary level
  • Curatorial work and analysis for educational or scholarly ends, including the production of scholarly or critical writing for museums or galleries, whose principal aim is not essentially commercial.

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