M.A. in Art History at the University of Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong will admit its first class to the new M.A. in Art History in September 2019. Hong Kong’s first M.A. devoted to art history, the MAAH has the dual aim of preparing students for further academic study in art history or professional work in the art world. It is a full-time, one-year programme taught entirely in English, composed of six M.A. courses and a dissertation, with instruction in both Asian and western art from early to contemporary periods. Teaching is conducted by art historians trained in top international Ph.D. programmes, along with experts from the museum and art professions. Applications are due January 31, 2019. Tuition fees are $140,000 for local Hong Kong students and $160,000 for non-local students. Need-based scholarships are available.

The application deadline is January 31. For full details, visit https://finearts.hku.hk/finearts/maah/overview.

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