
Symposium | At the Crossroad? Australia’s Cultural Future – Australian Academy of Humanities

16-21 November. Daily free webinars. The arrival of COVID-19, on the heels of a summer of natural disasters, has led to profound disruptions to cultural life in Australia, propelling our artists, creators, researchers and cultural institutions into survival mode, and throwing into stark relief the dramatic pre-pandemic shifts in cultural production, consumption and distribution. Yet the events of 2020 have also highlighted how deeply culture and creativity are embedded in the daily lives of Australians, giving claim to culture’s status as a public good. The 51st Academy Symposium –  At the Crossroad? Australia’s Cultural Future – will explore Australia’s cultural terrain in light of recent […]

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Conference | Know My Name | Online 10-13 November

Know My Name Conference Tuesday 10 – Friday 13 November 2020 Delivered virtually over four afternoons and two evenings, the Know My Name Conference celebrates all women as artists, activists, researchers, intellectuals and mentors now and into the future. Foregrounding First Nations perspectives and diverse voices, the event will bring together leading and emerging Australian and international voices from arts and academia to share ideas, insights and creative practice. Through keynotes, performances, panels, discussions and artist-led approaches, the conference will consider historical and contemporary experiences of gender and feminism in the arts to imagine new futures. The conference is accessible, […]

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Advocacy Letter | Art History MA program and for the Humanities | University of Hawai’i at Manoa

As is the case with many other Humanities-related programs at UH-Manoa, the administration is considering “temporarily stopping out” the MA program in Art History until “the faculty can modify the program to attract more students.” This is despite the fact that the department has already successfully corrected every concern listed in the administration’s own recommendation document. In short, like other programs, the decision is not based on the actual value and health of the program, but purely on low graduate student enrolment and a low prioritization of the Humanities at the university. I argue that the MA program in Art […]

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Launch of new postgraduate journal | CURRENTS

Launch of new postgraduate journal CURRENTS 28 September  |  2pm AEST | 12pm AWST  Currents is a new, collaborative, graduate research journal developed between the University of Western Australia and the Centre of Visual Art, University of Melbourne. The first rolling issue of Currents includes critical and exploratory articles by early career researchers from theatre, film, visual art, art history and theory.  Following on from the proposition what should a peer-review journal for postgraduate students look like, we will also consider how peer-review works in relation to artistic and practice-based research, and what are the benefits and difficulties of an interdisciplinary research platform? Editors Kelly Fliedner and […]

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Research Grants | Applications CLOSE 2 OCTOBER | Australian Institute of Art History

The Australian Institute of Art History is funding the following research grants in partnership with the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand. Eligibility and Selection Criteria  Download the eligibility and selection criteria as a pdf  Guidelines and Eligibility  Eligibility There are four categories of eligibility. To be eligible for this research grant, you need to be: 1) an art historian or PhD student in Art History in one of the following categories Institutional art historian (i.e. working in an academic or cultural institution such as a university, art museum, public library, etc.). Independent art historian. Emerging art historian (PhD student […]

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Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowships in the History of Art

ACLS invites applications for Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowships in the History of Art, made possible by the generous support of the Getty Foundation. These fellowships are intended to provide early career scholars from around the world with time to undertake research and/or writing for projects that will make substantial and original contributions to the understanding of art and its history. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects. ACLS will award 10 fellowships, each with a stipend of $60,000, […]

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News | The destruction of Indigenous Australian sites cannot be allowed to continue

The destruction of Indigenous Australian sites cannot be allowed to continue Professor Jeanette Hoorn This article was first published in Apollo International Art Magazine 22 June 2020. Reproduced with permission from Apollo International Art Magazine and the author.   On 24 May the multi-national mining company Rio Tinto, seeking to expand its iron ore mine in the Western Pilbara of Western Australia, blastedtwo ancient and sacred Aboriginal cave sections of the Juukan Gorge. Plans for the destruction of the caves – one of which contains evidence of human habitation dating back some 45,000 years – had been long in their […]

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Research Grants | Applications Open | Australian Institute of Art History

The Australian Institute of Art History is funding the following research grants in partnership with the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand. Eligibility and Selection Criteria  Download the eligibility and selection criteria as a pdf  Guidelines and Eligibility  Eligibility There are four categories of eligibility. To be eligible for this research grant, you need to be: 1) an art historian or PhD student in Art History in one of the following categories Institutional art historian (i.e. working in an academic or cultural institution such as a university, art museum, public library, etc.). Independent art historian. Emerging art historian (PhD student […]

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Advocacy | Submission to Senate Committee on the Job Ready Graduate Bill

With the Job Ready Graduate Bill being passed to a Senate Committee AAANZ president Wendy Garden has prepared another submission outlining our concerns about the proposed funding changes. Australia needs to invest in higher education for the future and not skew students to some disciplines at the expense of others. AAANZ recommends that the bill not be passed in its current form and that full consultation is undertaken to ensure that humanities education remains accessible and equitable and does not unfairly discriminate against some cohorts of students. The bill in its current form is out of step with the egalitarian, […]

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Invitations Open | AICA Australia

Invitations are now open to join AICA Australia (International Association of Art Critics), a Paris based organisation with chapters worldwide. Sponsored by UNESCO with headquarters in Paris, AICA brings together over 4,600 art professionals from some 95 countries all over the world, organised into 62 National Sections and an Open Section. AICA is a prestigious membership and provides free entry to museums around the world. It is also an opportunity to join both a local and international community of fellow art critics and professionals. AICA Australia is currently working towards establishing new avenues to strengthen connections among its community and […]

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